WWE Smackdown (28/02/17): WWE Title Number One Contendership Match AJ Styles vs. Luke Harper - TS7 SPORTS



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Tuesday, 28 February 2017

WWE Smackdown (28/02/17): WWE Title Number One Contendership Match AJ Styles vs. Luke Harper

Pic Credit: WWE
Styles had a headlock applied but Harper just casually lifted him off the ground, then followed with a dropkick. He tossed Styles around but Styles kicked Harper’s leg out of his leg to knock him off the apron, then followed with a Pele kick from the floor. Harper came back with a springboard senton and big boot for a two count.

Crowd did loud dueling chants of “Let’s go Harper” and “AJ Styles.” Harper hit a suicide dive, but Styles came back with a hurricanrana. Harper dodged the combination strikes and nailed a dragon suplex for two.

Immediately following a break, Harper hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Styles then hit an enziguri and a Phenomenal forearm. Harper’s foot was on the rope, but the referee counted three, the bell rang and Styles’ music played.

Shane McMahon came out. Styles thought he was out to congratulate him, but instead, Shane restarted the match. Harper sent Styles to the outside and Styles began arguing with Shane. Harper came in with a big boot, but Styles ducked and the boot caught Shane instead. Styles hit a springboard 450 splash back in the ring for the pinfall win.

Result: AJ Styles defeated Luke Harper

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