- Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn
Referee Darrick Moore checks on him... and Sami launches a tope con giro over his head! Back in the ring, Owens is waiting... POP-UP POWERBOMB! But Owens doesn't go right for a pin, he starts raining mounted punches down on the underdog's head. Off the ropes, somersault leg drop to the back of the neck... STEENBREAKER! He pops him up one more time...
Kevin Owens wins by pinfall with the pop-up powerbomb.
- Neville (c) vs. Rich Swann (WWE Cruiserweight Championship)
Neville off the ropes, German suplex, Swann on his feet! Rich fires one of his own off, superkick... NOT ENOUGH! Swann heads up top once more, he dodges the King and fires off a roundhouse kick, to the top, Phoenix Splash... NEVILLE DODGED! He gets a nearfall on a cover...
Neville wins by submission with the Rings of Saturn neck crank.
- Enzo & Big Cass vs. the Club (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) (c) (WWE Raw Tag Team Championship)
The Club wins by disqualification, retaining the Raw Tag Team Championship.
- Akira Tozawa vs. Ariya Daivari
Akira with a suicide dive and he's fired up! Up top, jump over, Daivari cuts him off with a kick to the knee but Tozawa floats out of a suplex and has him in his sights...
Akira Tozawa wins by pinfall with the snap German suplex.
- New Day (Big E & Kofi Kingston) vs. Shining Stars (Epico & Primo)
Epico and Kofi to start, Epico hits a sweet delayed double underhook gutbuster. The Stars encroach on the cart but E runs them over with a lariat and Kofi dives on them. Tag made...
New Day win by pinfall with Midnight Hour on Epico.
- Bayley vs. Sasha Banks
Bayley's crawling for the ropes but Dana runs interference while Charlotte tries to interfere. Banks uses her for leverage, rolls Bayley into the middle of the ring...
Sasha Banks wins by submission with the Bank Statement.
- Chris Jericho vs. Samoa Joe
Enzuigiri from Chris, right hand, dropkick, Joe heads outside. Triangle dropkick, Samoa catches him on the baseball slide and locks the Coquina Clutch in on the floor!
Referee Rod Zapata gets to eight and Joe rolls back in...
Samoa Joe wins by count-out.
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